Tips for Disinfecting Your Office

Tips for Disinfecting Your Office

Tips for Disinfecting Your Office


Maintaining a clean and healthy workspace is essential, not only for employee productivity but also for their physical health. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is now more crucial than ever to disinfect your workplace regularly. Keeping an office clean and free of bacteria involves more than just the occasional wipe-down of surfaces. In this blog post, we’ve compiled some essential tips for disinfecting your office and creating a safer working environment.


Implement Cleaning Schedules

One of the best ways to keep your office clean and disinfected is by implementing a regular cleaning schedule. Designate specific days for deep cleaning, such as disinfecting all surfaces, vacuuming carpets and upholstery, and wiping down equipment.

Promote Personal Hygiene

Encourage employees to practice good personal hygiene by providing hand sanitizers, tissues, and face masks. Hand sanitizers should be readily available, particularly at entry and exit points, and in break rooms or shared spaces.

Prioritize High-Touch Areas

High-touch areas, such as doorknobs, light switches, keyboards, and telephones, are often where bacteria thrives. These areas should be cleaned and disinfected more frequently than other surfaces.

Use EPA-Approved Disinfectants

When selecting cleaning products, ensure that they are EPA-approved disinfectants, as they have been tested to be effective against COVID-19 virus and other viruses. The disinfectant you choose should also be appropriate for the surfaces being cleaned.

Hire Professional Cleaning Services

Maintaining a clean office requires consistency and attention to detail. Hiring commercial cleaning companies provides your business with a deep clean to tackle areas that are overlooked. Moreover, it ensures that your office is consistently cleaned over time.



Maintaining a clean, disinfected workspace is critical to preventing the spread of disease. Employing the tips above into your cleaning routine will protect your staff, customers, and ensure your business remains open. Consistency and attention to detail is key and having staff or commercial cleaning company to tackle the job can help keep everyone safer and more productive. If you’re seeking office cleaning in commerce, CA, contact S&W Janitorial Service. Our team can provide efficient cleaning services tailor-fit for your workplace.