It is no secret that schools are breeding grounds for germs and illnesses. When students and faculty sit inside classrooms full of over twenty people, they are exposed to germs, viruses, and bacteria that circulate throughout the space. While education is modeled for student learning, there are also actions you can take to keep a clean school building. As a janitorial service in Los Angeles, we help many schools stay clean throughout the day to prevent the spread of illnesses. These are a few tips you can follow to reduce the spread of germs in your school.
Students require many different reminders to keep up with proper hygiene practices. Although your faculty members will be there to help them with their needs and state verbal reminders, it is important to enforce these practices with proper signage. Hang signs in bathrooms, cafeterias, art class, gym class, and other shared spaces inside your school. Remind students to use hand sanitizer, wash their hands properly, sneeze into tissues, and adopt other healthy habits.
Without proper supplies, you may struggle to enforce proper hygiene inside your facility. You should keep a steady supply of tissues and paper towels inside each classroom. If you expect your faculty members to pay for these items out of their personal finances, you may have a difficult time enforcing a positive and healthy school culture. Instead, you can encourage students to wipe their noses, sneeze into tissues, and blow their noses instead of wiping all over desks or tables.
Hang hand sanitizer stations throughout the school to encourage students and staff to practice hand hygiene. Most illnesses are transferred on high-touch surfaces, like door handles, water fountains, and bathroom surfaces. With hand sanitizer readily available, you can help to do your part to encourage them to stay sanitary before and after touching these surfaces.
You should also aim to keep your faculty clean by cleaning throughout the day. You should be disinfecting commonly touched surfaces, paying attention to the restrooms, and wiping down eating surfaces before and after your students use these facilities.
One of the best ways to encourage cleaning throughout the day is to hire staff specifically for those roles. When you have a janitorial service in Los Angeles to help in your school, you can ensure that all of the proper cleaning procedures take place. It also saves your educators from having to assume more responsibilities, which allows them to focus on doing their job while the environment around them stays safe.
By taking these steps, you can do your part to encourage your students and staff to reduce the spread of illness inside your school. If you are looking to hire professionals to help keep your space clean, sanitized, and tidy, trust the team at S & W Janitorial Services Inc with your needs.
Contact us to hear about our full range of school cleaning services today.