Four Steps to Stop the Spread of Illness in Your Building or School

Four Steps to Stop the Spread of Illness in Your Building or School

Four Steps to Stop the Spread of Illness in Your Building or School

Are you concerned with the spread of germs in your office building or school?  When many people work together in a confined space, the threat of illness is much higher.  With the continued pandemic coupled with flu season, now is the right time to enhance your preventative methods to keep everyone safe and healthy.  From hiring a regular service for office cleaning in Commerce, CA to educating your staff and customers on proper hygiene practices, there are a few steps that you want to use to stop the spread of illness in your office building or school.

Post Signs to Educate

Make sure that you enhance the signage in your business so that you can communicate messages to keep people healthy.  Reminders to wash their hands should be placed near sinks and other common areas.  Hand sanitizer stations should be clearly marked to guide people towards them.  If you have staff resources, you should also instruct people how to properly care for and tend to any cleaning practices that need to be done in those areas, like wiping out microwaves or cleaning dishes.

Keep Sanitizer Handy

When you own a business that involves many customers coming in and out throughout the day, you will want to increase the amount of hand sanitizer you keep in the building.  Put hand sanitizer on side tables, desks, and reception tables.  Consider implementing hand sanitizer stations that could be mounted on posts near doorways and entrances.  When you have more hand sanitizer, you increase the chances of your guests and customers actually using them.

Perform Routine Cleaning

Increase the amount of cleaning tasks you do each day.  You'll want to wipe down all high-touch surfaces, like railing and elevator buttons, frequently throughout the day to remove germs and bacteria.  Wipe down electronics and bathrooms each day.  Remove trash when it appears to be full.  Taking the time to do these cleaning tasks is the best way to keep a clean and safe environment in your building.

Remind People to Wash Hands

One of the best lines of defenses against the spread of any germs is washing your hands.  Remind people to wash their hands by directing them to the sinks and posting signs throughout your office building.  When you readily remind people of this essential hygiene practice, you increase the likelihood and the frequency that they will do it.

These are a few steps you can take to remind your employees, guests, students, and customers to use hygiene practices when they are in your building or school.  When everyone works together to improve the cleanliness of your space, you can work to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria.  Contact our professionals in office cleaning in Commerce, CA to hear how we can help you with your cleaning today.