How to Prevent Water Damage at Your Business

How to Prevent Water Damage at Your Business

How to Prevent Water Damage at Your Business

One of the best ways to avoid water damage is by making sure your office is in good order by making use of opportunity provided through professional office cleaning in Commerce CA. When you get your office arranged and the vital documents are placed in strategic positions, it will be difficult to get your vital document damaged by water. Office cleaning in commerce ca is put in place to help businessmen who are too busy to tidy up their offices and get them arranged in such a way that there will be free access for movement and adequate protection for vital properties in the event of water disaster. Water damage is better prevented; therefore, we are giving you some water damage prevention tips for your facility and business.


Some of the appliances that can malfunction and cause water damage in the workplace are dishwashers, water heater, and refrigerators. It is very important that you make sure that these appliances are in proper working condition as they have high chances of causing water damage when they malfunction. A good way to prevent water damage through these appliances is having them checked on regularly basis, regular and periodic maintenance should be carried out on those appliances.

If you have an office kitchen that is frequently used by staffs, it is advisable to have your appliances checked on regular basis because they are used regularly by workers. Checking of these appliances should be a regular routine and it can be done along regular office cleaning in commerce.

Drains and Pipes

Another potential source of water damage is the plumbing system. The plumbing system should be closely monitored to prevent clogging, the sink should be carefully monitored to prevent the build-up of grease and also make sure the lint vent in the drier is clear. When there are brown water stains on the walls and ceilings, it might be an indication of that the pipes in the wall or those above the ceiling is leaking. You should not waiter until the water stain gets pronounced before you take necessary steps.

It is very important that you address the early signs of water damage as fast as possible before it gets out of hand.


Damaged roofing is another potential source of water damage. It is worth noting that there are high chances of water damage when the roofing system is too old and there are some missing parts in the roof. When your business is the area that is prone to extreme weather conditions, you must make sure that the ventilation in your attic is functioning properly.

A maintenance crew is an integral part of any business that is saddled with the responsibility of checking the facilities, appliances and other aspect of the business on regular basis to make sure they are in a proper working condition. Speak to us at LA Janitorial Services today for professional office cleaning in Commerce CA.